Trigger point acupuncture, sometimes called dry needling, is a muscle based approach to acupuncture for pain conditions.
Trigger point acupuncture, sometimes called dry needling, is a muscle based approach to acupuncture for pain conditions.
I started my career in healthcare as a Licensed Massage Therapist, then became a Licensed Acupuncturist so that I could do more to address complex pain conditions using trigger point acupuncture / dry needling.
I started my career in healthcare as a Licensed Massage Therapist, then became a Licensed Acupuncturist so that I could do more to address complex pain conditions using trigger point acupuncture / dry needling.
I blend acupuncture with massage techniques to palpate and isolate the location of your pain, and acupuncture techniques to release the “knots” in the muscles. After the points are removed, I use hot stone massage to improve circulation & reduce soreness.
After trigger point / dry needling acupuncture, people usually feel sore, like after a deep tissue massage, for 24-48 hours following this treatment. Drinking more water than usual to help your body flush out the toxins released during trigger point acupuncture is helpful after treatment.